Tuesday, 19 February 2013

10. The tenth in the series of 5 minute podcasts focusing on qualitative research and the early years learning environment Raising insignificant details of experience to significance: the chair
    Baker, M (29th May 2010) What does academy freedom mean? BBC News [Online] Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10187148 [Accessed 8/1/2013]
    Cho, S (2013) Critical Pedagogy and Social Change, London, Routledge
    Leighton, R (2006) Revisiting Postman and Weingartner's 'New Education' - is Teaching Citizenship a Subversive Activity? Citizenship Teaching and Learning. [Online] 2 (1) 79-89 Available from: http://www.citized.info/pdf/ejournal/Vol%202%20Number%201/019.pdf [Accessed 8/1/2013]